Mignon series FRL units for compressed air systems
Our company offers businesses with compressed air systems a selection of professional Mignon series filter-regulator-lubricator (FRL) units. VEPA offers pressure reducer types and frl units with gauges. Each product is selected by our company’s competent staff and included in the extensive range of components for compressed air systems offered by VEPA. Our company also handles shipping and home delivery of its products worldwide.
For more information or to request a quote, please contact us using the contact details at the top and bottom of this page.
Mignon series and professional Mignon series
The Mignon series filter-reducer-lubricator (FRL) units available in the company catalogue are manufactured with expertise and professionalism by the best manufacturers in the industry and offered by VEPA to companies with compressed air systems. These include pressure regulators, lubricators, filter-regulators with gauges with a maximum inlet pressure of 13 bar and cups made of Grilamid, a light and resistant material.
More technical details, prices and a complete list of available Mignon series filter-reducer-lubricator units can be found in the online catalogue. Fast order processing and shipping throughout the World complete the service.